What Is It
It is a full color resource guide listing products and services for
El Paso, Tx.
. It is a publication which targeted in concept and distribution to reach new customers each month.
. It is simply the perfect method for a business to market their company and to bring in new customers at affordable price.
Targeted Distribution
20000 copies are hand delivered to over 950 locations throughout the El Paso County. We have a very extensive distribution.
- Doctors’ Offices
- OB/GYN Offices
- Dental Offices
- Hospitals
- Care Centers
- Urgent Care Centers
- Every Advertiser
- Valley Supermarkets
- All Area Libraries
- Stores
- Restaurants
- Grocery stores (Albertson's)
- Schools in El Paso County
- Party City Stores
- Party World Stores
- Many more retail and high traffic locations
It Will Bring New Customers Because....
. We reach active buyers month after month! Frequency is the Key
. It is designed to be quick to read and always FREE!
. Your ad is always full color and printed on magazine glossy paper-not newsprint.
. It is convenient digest size to fit in a woman’s purse. It is easy to use and easy to keep.
. FREE World wide web listing! Yes, your ad will appear on our website, .We have added the QR code for quicker access to our website and now people can download the QR app from them smart Phone.
FREE Email listing! Yes we also send Family Guide as a digital magazine by TEXT month after month to members suscribed.